Who We Are
Why an Authentic Alliance?
The concept of an authentic alliance has multiple meanings. In therapy you can build a genuine alliance with yourself, one that involves honesty and courage. That might involve answering questions over time like "What do I really feel will make me happiest?" or "What do I know I need to let go of?"
A true alliance with your therapist takes time. Being your authentic self helps you go below the surface and into the deeper therapy that promotes change.
For therapists working with a consultant, ​an authentic alliance means being able to talk about when you feel stuck, challenged or profoundly touched. An authentic alliance includes sharing when you disagree with each other. Your consultant too builds their authentic connection to you. This may include sharing from their life experiences including their positionality.
Our Mission
Authentic Alliance is dedicated to promoting the well-being of California residents through the provision of high-quality psychotherapy services. Though we work with individuals of all sexualities and genders, our practice offers a special emphasis on welcoming the LGBTQIA+ community. We are dedicated to providing an environment where clients can explore their identities, navigate challenges, and cultivate resilience. At Authentic Alliance, we believe in a client-centered approach, where each individual is unique and deserving of respect and compassion. Our services are trauma-informed and utilize evidence-based treatments to help clients make changes. We commit to anti-racist practices and conducting our care with cultural humility. We work to be aware of biases, heterosexism & cissexism. We strive to foster healing, authenticity, and personal empowerment for individuals of all gender identities and sexual orientations.